We also offer independent research and development services to a number of clients. With a strong analytical approach, led by principal scientist Dr Sheldon Navie, IVM Group has an R&D team experienced in undertaking trials enabling products, methodologies and application equipment to be thoroughly tested in a wide range of environmental conditions. Specialising in the agricultural/horticultural product trials and application technology industries, our services include:

  • Privately-funded research projects
  • Collaborative government and industry-funded research projects
  • Pesticide and fertiliser evaluations for the chemical industry
  • Small plot to large scale field trials
  • Herbicide and plant growth regulator efficacy trials
  • Invasive weed spread research trials
  • Digital plant science sensing and monitoring technologies

IVM also draws on connections to the University of Queensland and Government Agencies including Biosecurity Queensland and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. These links have been established over many years of collaborative work and further establish our capacity to demonstrate the expertise required to deliver a project.